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Pastor Ellen serves with a passion for justice and inclusion for all people and is still amazed that God has called her to this holy work that she loves. After decades of disputing God’s very existence, she had a conversion experience in 1997, and by 2003
she was serving on staff at a local UMC, and in 2007, began her first appointment as a pastor. She is a devoted mother to two, and Gram E to three grandchildren that she adores.


Pastor Ellen mostly recently served Brown Deer UMC in the Milwaukee area and has served on the United Methodist Children’s Services board of directors for 6 years, two as president. She has also served as the chair of the Board of Church & Society (Social
Justice Ministries), Spiritual and Emotional Care Coordinator, and Disaster Response Coordinator for the Wisconsin Annual Conference of the UMC. Her other state-wide leadership positions include the Wisconsin Council of Churches Peace and Justice
Commission and Board of Directors, Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice Board of Directors, as well as, a chaplain for the Wisconsin State Patrol, the La Crosse Police Dept. and La Crosse County Sheriff’s Dept.


Deb Nelson

Social Media / Administrative Coordinator

Deb started as our Administrative Coordinator in November 2021. Deb has been a member of our congregation for 5 years. She retired from teaching after 30+ years with Omro Middle School. Deb brings her strong organizational skills and a friendly, familiar face to our church office. Her passion for serving God and others has been seen throughout her volunteer work within our church.

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Now hiring for

Youth Coordinator

Contact church office for further information.


Connections Coordinator

Lisa-Marie enjoyed 11 years as the Director of Children's & Youth Ministry. She loved hanging out with students, bringing them into a deeper relationship with Christ, and serving with them.


In her role as Connections Coordinator, Lisa-Marie is excited to further involve Algoma Blvd United Methodist Church with the community of Oshkosh and the world, through outreach ministries and mission opportunities.


Chuck Williams


Custodian/Bldg Manager

Chuck has been managing our Church facilities for several years. He is responsible for the general cleaning and up-keep of the building and grounds. Chuck works very closely with our Trustees doing everything from routine maintenance to repairs and expert painting.


Audio / Visual Manager
Choir Director

Todd has been part of our staff for many years. He has shared his talents through music, worship leadership and more recently as our Audio / Visual Manager. Todd produces and distributes digital recordings of church worship services and coordinates the sound and visuals during live worship. He oversees the updating, care and maintenance of our audio/visual equipment. Todd's second hat is Directing our Chancel Choir which has been known to have a lot of fun at practice as well as providing inspiring music for worship.


Band / Worship Leader

Travis is our Band/Worship Leader for our 9:00 am worship service. He is a UW-Madison grad and a full time gigging musician around the state in a variety of bands. For Travis, music is a way to express the energy of caring for other people. On the deepest level, everyone wants to be connected and music allows you to feel that with the person next to you, even if you’ve never spoken.

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