Past Outreach
Who We Are
Pedal Out Hunger
ABUMC sponsored a team to support the Salvation Army Pedal Out Hunger Event
Youth Mission Trip 2023
Serving and building in Eagle Butte, SD
Volunteers out on a beautiful spring day to help keep our highways looking good
Rebuilding Together Fox Valley
Neighbors helping Neighbors in need -
making critical home modifications and repairs to income-qualified homeowners and nonprofit organizations, at no cost to them..
Youth Mission Trip
Eleven youth and four adults from ABUMC and the Family Church of Neenah traveled to Elliot County Kentucky to serve the community.
Walk for Water
This is the second year that a team from ABUMC has participated in the World Vision 6K walk for water. They raised over $3700 to provide clean water for those most in need.
Food Pantry
Birthday bag Youth mission Project
Our kids and youth packaged up 192 birthday bags for children who come to the Oshkosh Community Pantry and are celebrating a birthday that month
Thank you to all who donated to this mission project.
Eleven people participated in this class which provided insight on how to feel free from on-going financial problems
A Guide To Financial Well Being
Hosted by ABUMC and The Family Church of Neenah
Participants Quotes
" I feel gratefult that I had the opportunity to take the Saving Grace class. It was the first experience where I had in-depth financial advice without a salesperson trying to sell me a product. I felt I could ask our financial teachers honest financial questions without shame. Overall I feel smarter about how I manage money now and I have a plan moving forward."
" I never realized there were so many people in the same confusing place as me financially. It is comforting to develop a cohort of support as I work to get out of debt."
"Already I have made so many changes along with my husband who didn't take the class but he has been great with the changes we are making to be able to save, give more, and pay off a loan in 2 months instead of a year. "
UMW Cookie Sale
Supporting missions for children, youth and women
The United Methodist Women held their annual community cookie sale, providing a wonderful variety of cookies (69 different types) that tempted those near and from afar. They were able to raise over $1500 for local missions for children, youth and women.
Angel Tree
A Program of Prison Fellowship
Christmas was made a little more special for children of incarcerated parents with the gifts collected through our Angel Tree program.
Day by Day
Warming Shelter
Providing a nourishing and flavorful meal for others in our community is a way to share one's talents and gifts.
Operation Christmas Child
Another great year of demonstrating God's love in a tangible way. Thank you to our youth who packed 92 shoeboxes with school supplies, toys, clothing, and hygiene items for boys and girls all over the world.
Trunk or Treat
It is hard to say who had the most fun - our volunteers handing out candy or the 200 kids that came to the trunk or treat adventure.
Welcome to UWO Students
ABUMC welcomed UWO Students back to school with potted plants.