Mission Statement
As the Algoma Boulevard United Methodist Church family of faith we will help people experience God through: transformational worship, life-long learning, inspiring music, life changing service, and passionate witness.
Welcome Statement
Algoma Boulevard United Methodist Church celebrates the diversity of all God’s people, and desires to extend a fully inclusive welcome to all people who enter our doors. We believe all are created in God’s image, and equally loved by God. We strive to practice Jesus’ example of unconditional love without exclusion by embracing the United Methodist ideal of Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors.
Regardless of age, race, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, family configuration, religious background, economic status, or developmental and physical abilities, we affirm the right of all people to be a welcomed and beloved part of the body of Christ, and active participants in the Algoma Boulevard United Methodist Church family of faith.
God loves all people. Our church welcomes all people, and invites you to be part of our community of faith.